First Lady Fazna Ahmed Launches Child-Friendly CEDAW Booklet Developed by ARC in partnership with UNICEF to Mark International Day of the Girl Child 2020


Advocating the Rights of Children (ARC) has today launched a child-friendly booklet on the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), to mark International Day of the Girl Child 2020. This book, developed in partnership with UNICEF Maldives, was formally launched by First Lady Fazna Ahmed, and was premiered through a video on Facebook Live.

The child friendly CEDAW booklet conveys information on all the rights guaranteed by the Convention, as well as the State responsibilities to fulfil these rights. ARC believes that one of the most important steps in preventing discrimination against women and girls is by teaching young children their rights, including the right to education, employment, health, marriage and family life.

Speaking at the virtual book launching event, First Lady Fazna Ahmed highlighted the complementary nature of CEDAW and the Convention on the Rights of Child (CRC), and emphasized the importance of educating both boys and girls on the Conventions to ensure the fundamental rights of children of all ages. ARC’s Executive Director Zeena Zahid stated that providing equal opportunities for girls and boys will not only benefit them, but will also benefit their families, the society and the nation as well. In his remarks, UNICEF Country Representative Dr Munir Safieldin expressed that CEDAW furnishes the ground for girls’ realization of their rights and aspirations and further highlighted the theme of this year, ‘My voice, our equal future’.
ARC wishes to thank First Lady Fazna Ahmed and UNICEF for their support and reaffirms its commitment to protect and promote the rights of children throughout the country.