ARC produces a childrens TV series on HEAL Campaign for Ramazan

With Ramazan being a time when families are interested in experimenting with new food ideas and children being more keen to learn and help out in the kitchen, Advocating the Rights of Children (ARC) is pleased to announce the production of a childrens TV series on HEAL Campaign – Kokkomenge Badhige, in partnership with Television Maldives (TVM). Through this special Ramazan programme, ARC hopes to encourage children to eat healthier by giving them the opportunity to prepare simple and healthy food and drink options which they can make themselves at home.

Kokkomenge Badhige will air at 5:00 PM of every Monday during this Ramazan on TVM, and will consist of 4 episodes, each based on a different message of ARCs HEAL Campaign, promoting Healthy Eating and Active Lifestyles for children:
1. 15 July 2013- Eat A Rainbow
The first episode highlights the importance of eating different coloured fruits and vegetables, and introduces simple yet colourful dishes made using a rainbow of fruits and vegetables.
2. 22 July 2013- Rethink Your Drink:
The second episode teaches children about healthy and unhealthy drink options and focuses on the traffic light concept to show them drinks which can be consumed freely or in small amounts and about drinks they should not consume.
3. 29 July 2013- Dunk the Junk:
This episode teaches children about what makes processed food or junk food unhealthy and focuses on the importance of avoiding or replacing such food with healthier options.
4. 5 August 2013- Snack Smart:
The last episode focuses on choosing healthier snack options and showcases a number of healthy snacks that can keep children active and smart throughout the day.

ARC believes that it is important for parents to foster healthy eating habits in children from an early age, and involve them in food preparation at home, meal planning and shopping, so that children are better informed on the importance of eating healthy and learn that it is easy to prepare quick, simple and healthy food options that they can enjoy.