ARC celebrates women’s day in partnership with UNICEF and CHSE

Advocating the Rights of Children (ARC) has partnered with UNICEF Maldives and Centre for Higher Education (CHSE), to celebrate International Women’s Day 2016. A special event was held today to mark this occasion and a series of awareness sessions are also being held throughout the week for the students of CHSE.

The International Women’s Day is observed annually on 8th March and the theme for 2016 is, “Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step it up for Gender Equality”. At today’s ceremony, ARC’s Director
Mr. MuruthalaMoosagave a presentation on the importance of accelerating the UN 2030 agenda for sustainable development. The presentation emphasized how girls and women can and will contribute to achieving the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) which affect them.

A total of 500 studentswill be reached through these sessions which cover a range of topics, including the empowerment of girls, promoting social values and preparing adolescent girls for adulthood with a focus on health and nutrition.

Speaking at the event, ARC’s Executive Director Ms ZenyshaZaki highlighted the cumulative beneficial effects of educating and empowering girls: which includes improved family health and education, better employment opportunities and higher incomes, greater participation in the governance structure and equal opportunities for women.

ARC greatly appreciates the support by UNICEF Maldives for the work undertaken by ARC to promote gender equality and to protect the rights of girls in the Maldives. ARC also wishes to thank CHSE for facilitating the participation of a large number of students in today’s event as well asthe awareness sessions being held throughout the week.
