Advocating the Rights of the Children (ARC), in its capacity as the Chair of the National Action Coordination Group (NACG), has attended 7th SAIEVAC Governing Board Meeting, held in Thimphu, Bhutan, on 14 May 2018. The Meeting was preceded by the Follow-up Meeting of National Human Rights Institutions, to Accelerate Efforts to End Child Marriage in South Asia, held on 12 May 2018 and the Review of the Regional Action Plan on Ending Child Marriage in south Asia 2015-2018 on 13 May 2018. Managing-Director, Muruthala Moosa attended the Governing Board Meeting and pre-technical meetings, in his capacity as the Chair of the NACG Maldives.
The Governing Board Meeting reviewed the progress of decisions endorsed during the 6th Governing Board Meeting held in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The Meeting also considered outcomes of the pre-technical meetings on child marriage in South Asia as well as Regional Strategy on Child Sexual Abuse, Exploitation and Online Safety. The Meeting also considered the challenges and the way forward for NACGs nationally and regionally, as NACGs as civil society organizations could play a key role along with the Government to end violence against children.
The Governing Board Meeting was also attended by Ministry of Gender and Family, while Mr. Hussain Simyan also attended as a child representative from Maldives. In addition, pre-technical meetings held on 12 and 13 May was also attended by Human Rights Commission of the Maldives.
SAIEVAC is SAARC’s intergovernmental and apex body to end violence against children, operated in partnership with governments and civil society. ARC currently chairs the NACG Maldives’ and Care Society, Hand in Hand and the Society for Health Education are also members of the NACG.